Do you know (Titanic)? (sure), but do you know her sister (Britannic), enter to recognize them

8/28/2014 01:37:00 م

Britannic is passing ship Ocean British have been built in the 
basin Land Harland Wolff shipyard in Belfast and now known as Northern Ireland. The request of the shipping company White Star Line. Britannic was the third largest ship owned by White Star Line after each of the Titanic and the ship RMS Olympic. Built the ship Titanic shortly after, and was launched into service in 1914.
Confiscated by the British Navy in the First World War and turned it into a floating hospital. Wu may ship sank in November 21, 1916 in less than an hour, and the cause of the sinking remains unknown until now, and it probably hit one of naval mines.
It is noted that the number of deaths in the sinking of the ship was 30 people, including a general in the German army.

Shipwreck was discovered by marine explorer Jacques Cousteau in 1975, was the production of a film about the year 2000.
(Movie poster (Britannic

See the documentary through the interpreter (cc) in YouTube

If you want to watch a movie (Britannic), watch on YouTube


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