Watch out: even now has not been confirmed whether real or fictitious ,There is a possibility to show you

8/27/2014 12:53:00 م


Loch Ness monster (in English: Loch Ness Monster) is a creature of uncertain existence, is believed to be a descendant of a group remain Albulsourat (English: plesiosaurs), although the recipe varies from witness to another. It is said that he lives in Loch Ness in Scotland, which is the largest freshwater lake in Great Britain. Sir Peter Scott fired a name Nassiteras Rompopteriks (Latin: Nessiteras rhombopteryx) on the lake monster, in the journal Nature, and this name is Greek meaning "Ness monster with diamond-shaped fins.

Monster of Loch Ness, like Big Foot and the Yeti, does not have conclusive evidence of their existence, and is a creature of the more mysteries of the science of studying animals hidden (in English: cryptozoology) fame, as the world's attention by the afternoon since it was published first watching him in 1933 most of the scientists and experts find the available evidence does not support the existence of the lake monster and consider the views of this creature is either honest or are errors in the identification of unknown creatures or phenomena. Nevertheless, still many people around the world believe in the existence of this object. Taking the local population after them and people from around the world, since the fifties of the twentieth century, has launched a feminine name to the lake monster is a onesie (English: Nessie), and Neseg (Balgalickah Scottish: Niseag

Origins of the story

Invented journalist and Water Commissioner to Loch Ness, Alex Campbell, the word "monster" (in English: Monster), dated May 2, 1933, in Inverness Courier newspaper article (in English: Inverness Courier). On August 4, 1933, the newspaper published an article talking about the allegations of a man from London named "George Spicer", stating that when he was strolling around the lake he and his wife a few weeks ago, Raa "the closest thing a dragon or creature Qpatarrakhi surprising I've ever seen in my life," walking on the side of the road, carrying "an animal" in his mouth and after the publication of this article, I took messages throughout the newspaper, and was often the most from unknown persons, they say they saw the beast on land or in the water, on land or territory of their families, acquaintances, or telling events recounted them to other people. Arrived quickly in these stories to all the newspapers and publications British national, and later international newspapers, took the publishers are talking about "wild fish", "snake freely", or "dragon" people see in Scotland, before settling finally on a label uniform is "monster of Loch Ness .btarich December 6, 1933, was published the first picture of an alleged monster, picked up on the hands of "Hugh Grey, and that was after it was officially recognized monster by the Secretary of State for Scotland, who called the police to prevent for any attack on the object] In 1934, increased attention to the issue more than the first, after he emerged "image surgeon" (English: The Surgeon's Photograph) came into existence, and in the same year publishing lieutenant in the British Royal Navy, Robert Thomas Gould, a book, followed by a lot of books similar, when talking about the his personal experience in assembling evidence for this object, which dates back to the years before the summer of 1933 claimed that other writers Views kind of monster back until the sixth century

Wary of it

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