Cannibal between ratification and exile

9/20/2014 07:42:00 م
When we read the title of this thread maybe a imagine we are talking about monsters and ferocious meat to kill humans and animals ..
But we are talking here about the nature Alepeshr..alven violated, and came over the rituals and brutal and Hrmanih..vosubhoa far from humanity ..

Maybe not taste never ..lhom humans ..

Tribes may not know anything about the civilization that millions of kilometers away from the small huts in the depths of the forest ..
Maybe they thought they were still in the Stone Age ..hat feeds the strong on the weak always ..

But let us return now to history to know what the origin of those bloody humans ..

The word human flesh in English and translated cannibalism (eating the flesh of the same sex) which is derived from the Spanish word that describes the Carib tribes (Carib) which talked about the Indian explorer Christopher Columbus.

The truth back to the historic home cannibal tribes such as South America (Maya) and (Aztecs) and found traces of the presence of cannibals for thousands of years in both El Salvador and bar American coast.

Research indicates that the cannibals were present in ancient and modern times alike.
  In 1994, scientists discovered the greatness of the 80,000 old cave in northern Spain called Gran Dolina. They show clear traces of flesh that was removed with sharp objects, and that at least six people were slaughtered and stripping them and cut them.

  French scientists recently found bones of human beings from the era of humans Alnindrtal were killed before 100 000 years in the cave near Valence, called the Cave of Moula-Guercy

  Aljmjh brain was broken and take it out and tongue cut absolutely clearly. Actors smashed the bones of the legs carefully in order to reach the bone marrow inside them.

In 1999 the deployment designer Albelogi Christy Turner of the University of Arizona book of 500 pages, which display a wide range of documented proofs indicate that the Indian civilization Alanasaza (anasazi) in the southwestern United States and Mexico were eating human flesh. This civilization flourished 1,000 years ago but disappeared 300 years ago.

Christy Turner studied during 30 years thousands of bones left by a civilization Alanasaza, using the smallest electronic devices. Evidence suggests that cannibalism was part of this civilization through 400 years of age.

Also found evidence of the practices of the African tribes of this heinous crime and they know b (Head Shrinkers) or Musgra heads lineage they Cano remain on the heads of the bodies after the fruit in jars and Asgrunha fluids certain Ihtfzaw it as a souvenir to this banquet featured was this practice very prevalent in the continent of Africa was priest is one of the picks of the gods of the Eucharist between the Public and the implementation of it Ptkotaiah definitely a neighborhood before separating his head Valenhaah and save it as a memento.

It was also noted the presence of some African tribes that were human Adha cook a neighborhood in a saucepan of boiling water to be cooked and then made ​​the banquet.
Archaeologists found human bones in pots cook half a million years old in China

  And may Morse cannibalism throughout history in several places and situations such as:

1 during famines
2 in besieged cities
3 of some primitive tribes
4 as a kind of exaggeration in hurting the enemy, where the victor eats the flesh of the defeated
5. some believe that eating the flesh of their enemies convey their abilities
6 as a religious ritual or burial rites
7 sexual behavior as a disease

When the tribes of ancient Mayan was believed to eat the hearts gating of the bodies of humans gives divine power and increases the life was the elite only of kings and Erbabhm and priests are given them the honor of eating the hearts vibrant while eating the rest of the guards and the public the rest of the body and enough honor of drinking the blood of warm.

In tribes Aloznk was the prevailing belief is similar dramatically with the convictions of the Mayan that Aztec Kano practicing for another game called the (pochacha) (so to speak Because their language has become extinct, but this name is the closest it) is the (pochacha) Source mother to football current with a single fundamental difference between them is that Alboutcasha was playing heads a human.
It was two teams playing with a human being with all their body and not just a foot and a catalyst for the professionalism of this game there was a requirement that the losing team serves as an offering to the gods.

  It may be cannibalism kind of honor for the dead, as do some of the tribes in New Zealand they are glorifying the memory of the dead to eat his brain, after a person dies and his stature they meet the tribe about his body and sing some religious songs and then extracted enchanting tribe brain dead and distribute it evenly among the mourners to eat it .

When some sects of Hinduism and he ate meat of the Dead is a tribute to him because he has become part of the belly of the priest!

When the Mayans and Aztecs old was eating guide is innocent courage! And even kept up the situation when some tribes of Central Asia that arrived to eat the newborn!

But what are the months tribes that had been practicing or perhaps still practiced to this day ..

Carib tribe

That was the tribe initially a group of sailors, who arrived in their command
To eat the bodies of their enemies, and they lived in one of the Caribbean Islands, and pointed out to them
Columbus discovered the famous in his writings, but when Christianity began to spread
In that island fell culture cannibalism gradually when that tribe.

Tribe Alozatax

This tribe is considered one of the most savage tribes that lived in the continent of South America before the arrival of Europeans have, that the tribe has thousands of sacrifices
Human every year, and it is the heart of disarming the victim of human sacrifice during a ceremony
Still beats.

Native American

Spread in antiquity American continent, many of the tribes that were eat
Human flesh, and was best known tribe called "Carrankawa" who were living in the state
Texas, and was a member of that tribe and brutal significantly, they were cut off parts
From the bodies of their enemies and eat them in front of their eyes.


Spread on the African continent many of the tribes that eat human flesh, which is found
So far, but it is rare to see one, they are living undercover in most of the time,
The tribes that abducting any person who enters into the bush.

Fiji tribe

Tribe is famous for the very cannibalism, and living in one of the islands, and proud
Tribe as those eating the 875 people so far.

  Tribe Koroaa

Those tribe living in Indonesia, which is considered the last tribes carnivorous humans in
The world, and is the favorite dish that tribe is the human brain, and prefers to be addressed
He is still warm. And those members of the tribe live above the trees in order to shelter themselves
Of enemies.

Maori tribe

Is the tribe had been living in New Zealand, and was proud to eat the bodies of their enemies, and
Including Britons and Scots, and most of those times when I used those Tribe
On the British warship attempted occupation of their land, but the tribe overcame the crew
That ship, which numbered 66 people, was devouring their bodies fully.

Are meat eaters found humans in the modern era?

Known for many of the thugs of cannibalism such as Armin Meiwes computer technician German who confessed to killing and eating a man in early 2001, where he met him after he announced on the Internet sites that ask "young burly between eighteen and thirty, for slaughter and then said Meiwes then he kill him with the consent of the latter, is that what this alleged "compromise in the act" did not allay the case of disgust that struck the German people.

And of thugs also Albert Fish who raped, killed and eaten a number of children during the twenties, has said that he feels immense sexual pleasure as a result.

   Cutthroat also Russian Andrei Chikatilo, who killed at least 53 people between 1978 and 1990

Another well-known case of Esi Sagawa, eat meat humans Japanese famously kill student Sorbonne Danish Rene Hartwilt, which doctors as "crazy" and therefore can not be subjected to trial, and was sent back to Japan, where he stayed in a psychiatric hospital for five months, went out later and lived until today at large in Japan, and some suggest that it was the intervention of his father's influential in Japan.

Papua Nya Guinea, one of the places where they occur ritual cannibalism in the nineteenth century, in 1957, doctors discovered the spread of disease is unknown epidemic among a group of villages. Tests showed injured people mad cow disease because usually eat the brains of dead relatives. After this ritual to prevent the establishment in 1960 has become a rare disease.

  It is said that James Cook, who was killed by residents of Hawaii has been to eat a

During World War II, there were frequent news about the Japanese soldiers eat them and eat their enemies after besieged by the Americans and their rations cut in one of the islands.

  Of course, there are many primitive tribes that live in the depths of the Amazon tropical forests ..masalt practiced rituals and those already fed on human flesh as one of the types of food they hunt for Dé travelers and adventurers and explorers who roam in those forests ..
Has been taking a picture of a primitive Amazonian tribe in the Amazon forest took primitive throwing darts at the helicopter, which surprised the crew of the existence of such tribe yet!

  Whatever the reasons for the emergence of the phenomenon of cannibalism, studies indicate that the phenomenon was widespread among the circles of people and a lot of ancient human groups. Ages were the latest in the pervasiveness of this phenomenon associated with fiction and legends spread more than in reality.

Beware of them ..vmkanam not only in horror films and adventures ..
Beware and all caution to mistake The b wrong turn in the road ..!

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